HEMPducation: In Africa The Stigma Of “Epilepsy” Can Be Tackled With Medical Cannabis.

Marho Louis
5 min readNov 8, 2020
photo by kaboompi from unsplaash

Epilepsy is a critical health issue that affects individuals physically and psychologically leaving them scarred for life. “I recall having a childhood buddy who drowned in a river after experiencing severe shock that led to seizure during a swim. With no one wanting to help out of fear, he lost control and drown”.

The epileptic disorder has a distinct level of devastating social and health consequence, from the stigma of discrimination to premature death. In Africa, many people regard this illness as spiritual attacks leaving it untreated. For adults, the disorder makes life chances difficult. Multiply seizures experienced outdoor could lead to unemployment, turn off from socialisation, and having a constant relationship or Marriage can be quite frustrating. Seizures could happen anywhere and any time regardless.

On the flip side, watching someone go through a seizure and epileptic attack is quite frightening. With victims going through different categories of trauma, any caring heart would break at first glance.


  • Focal (partial) seizures occur in a specific area of the brain accompanied by confusion, temporary paralysis, repetitive movement, sensory changes, memory loss, or loss of awareness
  • Generalized seizures involve the whole brain
  • Grand mal (tonic-clonic) seizures are characterised by muscle spasms, jerking, twitching, and loss of consciousness
  • Petit mal (absence) seizures occur over brief periods during which a person loses awareness of their surroundings; children have petit mal seizures more often than adults.

Hopefully, recent research shows promising medical improvements with records of reduced seizures using cannabis. In a survey‑based study of 117 parents of children with infantile epilepsy, 14% of patients were seizure‑free, and 85% of parents reported a reduction in seizure frequency after cannabis pharmacotherapy. 25 Other beneficial effects of CBD in children with the epileptic syndrome include improved sleep, alertness, and mood, as well as an increased appetite.

Studies on the effectiveness of cannabinoids in adults with epilepsy have had mixed results. A study showed that men who used cannabis up to 90 days before hospitalisation were at a significantly lower risk for any new seizure than men who did not use it. Though cannabinoids showed improve symptoms of epilepsy, the evidence is not yet conclusive.

There’s no pharmacological free lunch in the cannabis plant or any known drug. Different reactions can result. A small percentage of people have had allergic reactions to cannabis. Heart patients could have problems, even though cannabis generally relieves stress, dilates the arteries, and lowers the diastolic pressure. A small percentage of people get high heartbeat rates and anxieties with cannabis. These persons should not use it. Some people suffering from bronchial asthma benefit from cannabis; however, for others, it may serve as an additional irritant — Jack Herer.

Since 1964 more than 400 medical compounds have been isolated from a thousand suspected compounds, with 60 of those isolated compounds having therapeutic nature on both humans and animals. Research has since been on a stampede, with world government waging a meaningless war against this harmless plant since the 30s.

photo by claudia wolf from unsplaash

Arguments to hasten Cannabis legalisation laws in Africa for medical and industrial use for severe and chronic health conditions is way long overdue. Medical researchers are sprouting out with loads of evidence to support the fact that cannabis can be used for the treatment of different chronic illnesses, for instance, epilepsy which has affected about 10 million people in Africa. With a prevalence peak of 20–29 years age range, with both sexes being equally affected, particularly for individuals under 40 years. There is a disproportionate geographical burden of epilepsy, with 80% of cases living in low-and middle-income countries. The burden of epilepsy on Africa outweighs other regions in the world. Sub-Saharan Africa also is double that of Europe, Asia, and North America.

In September 2018, the Institute of Advanced Studies reported that within the last two decades, “Africans have experienced an increase in chronic health conditions ranging from mental health disorders, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, stroke, diabetes, skin problems, cancer, liver, and renal diseases’. The Institute suggested that the explanation behind this is the poor health choices.

World Health Organisation backs this up with a conservative estimate: that around 500,000 people are poisoned each year in Third World countries by using banned drugs and pesticides.

Some of these drugs that have been vetoed by the FDA as not for sale or use in the first United States and Europe for being affiliated with malnutrition, deformities, and cancer.

A bumpy but not impossible journey lies towards legalization, research, and education about the use of cannabis for chronic disorders and treatment. The necessary tools for reclaiming a lasting health choice lies within airing our collective voices towards the legalization and regulation of cannabis to ensure sustainable health and lifestyle practice. Thanks to Activists who troll the corridors of government across the globe. Research and medical administration is now seeing the light of day.

In Nigeria, The bill proposing legalisation and expungement of the word cannabis from the list of prohibited substances presented by the Honourable Princess Miriam Onuoha Imo State passed its second reading. Looks promising as Nigeria is well-positioned to tap into the increasing global demand for cannabis.

While this is taking shape in West Africa, the South African state continues with measures for medical cannabis to be made freely available to its citizens. The lengthy-time required by the Department of Health to nudge the government into accepting a proposal is one hindrance that facilitates the flourishing black market.

More research is needed, however, reports show promising abilities to treat chronic illness.



The emperor wears no clothes — jack herer 1985.

Africa Cannabis Report- Prohibition Partners. 20 Years lived with disability (YLDs) for 1160 sequelae of 289 diseases and injuries 1990–2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010.



Marho Louis

I love cannabis and sustainable development, hence I advocate for decriminalization. Tech & Cannabis::: Pipe story!!